The period of time in which a woman is pregnant is without a doubt the most profound experience of her life. It is an honor to witness this cycle of change with my clients and to explore their lives with them in a way that they leave their time with me feeling deeply held and supported. To me, the perinatal phase should be honored and respected; each client should be educated and given the opportunity to make choices about the care they are receiving such that it becomes an individualized journey. I consider myself to be both an excellent experienced clinician and someone who can hold the importance of this life event with tremendous reverence.
About Aleks
Aleks Evanguelidi LM, CPM has been working in birth for over 20 years. She began her work in birth while maintaining her presence as a nutritionist and as an herbalist and educator for Gaia Herbs. A firm believer and proponent in living a sustainable lifestyle, she utilizes her years of experience in nutrition to support her clients in having an extraordinary sense of wellness while preparing for conception or to experience the healthiest pregnancy possible. She has become a GAPS certified practitioner so that she can support her clients in having the healthiest biomes possible prior to delivery. This is also a large part of her preconception work. Having studied pre and perinatal psychology and birth, Aleks brings to her clients a profound sense of trust in their own bodies while supporting them in this tremendous period of transformation. She also is a student of Ellen Heed’s STREAM program which supports the healing of the perineum and remediation of scar tissue and pelvic floor repair.
Over the years Aleks has worked with over 3000 clients, opened and operated as Clinical Director at The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center, trained over 25 student midwives, and has contributed to several documentaries and publications on birth related topics. She is also an avid biohacker and loves integrating her work and her passions. She is currently expanding her offerings to online virtual class formats as well as birth mentorship and virtual consults.
Empowered Birth.
For midwives, it is not enough to just have a safe birth experience and a “good outcome.” It is not enough to simple follow the Hippocratic Oath and “First, do no harm.” Those of us who are surrendered to the bizarre hours, sleepless nights, and time away from our families do so because we are compulsively drawn into the realm where miracles exist and transformation occurs. It is an intoxicating world to sit bedside (or…near the bath, toilet, or kitchen floor) and bear witness to a mother finding herself and her power through the labyrinth of the birth maze. We do so because we are virtual junkies for the essence of what’s possible in an empowered birth. Marci Macari once said, “Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed to, to reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.” I strive that each of the clients I support find themselves experiencing an empowered birth experience regardless of where the birth takes place.