Miscarriage and Pregnancy loss- What to expect and how to best recover
When experiencing the shock of a pregnancy loss, there can be an enormous range of physical and emotional symptoms. The first thing I would like you to know is that you are not alone and that many have shared in this experience.
Exercise After Pregnancy
Oh how badly we all want to look sexy after giving birth, but no matter how hard we try, feeling sexy is way harder to come by.
7 Tips for a Healthy Conception
Here are my top 7 reasons for taking our time (minimum 6-9 months) to prepare our body for the experience of healthy conception.
Beginning Of Spring: Courage To Be With Change
At the end of each season, before the next one begins, I like to take a moment to consider how each passing phase impacts my life, and utilize the fresh energy to move my life forward in some way.
Preparing For Home Birth
Bordering on having witnessed almost 1000 births, I am here to tell you Yes, in no uncertain terms BIRTH IS CRAZY. But not crazy in the ways that you might think. You see there are few times in our human existence where we have the opportunity to transcend the mundane.
Are You Home Birth Material?
As midwives, we only care for “low risk” clients. And what constitutes risk varies from provider to provider depending on the criteria that a. they feel most confident and comfortable working with and b. what their license dictates.
The Pain Of Letting Go
Under most circumstances, we know that letting go comes with it the experience of some kind of pain: whether it is a divorce, letting go of a loved one, or in my case, the end of a business.